Best OBD2 Gauge Display Tools for Car Enthusiasts

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Greetings, fellow road warriors and car enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, your vehicle isn’t just a machine; it’s an extension of your identity, a trusty companion on life’s journey. 

And like any relationship, it’s essential to understand what makes your car tick. That’s where OBD2 gauge display tools come into play, and believe me, I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt (or should I say, the diagnostic code).

You see, I’m no stranger to the world of cars. I’ve spent countless hours under hoods, turning wrenches, and trying to decipher the enigmatic language of check engine lights. 

But even for a seasoned gearhead like myself, the ever-evolving complexity of modern vehicles can be a bit overwhelming. That’s where these incredible OBD2 gauge display tools have saved the day, time and time again.

In this guide, I’m not just listing off the best affordable OBD2 gauge display tools like a disconnected reviewer. No, I’m here to take you on a journey based on my real-world experiences. 

Our hit list for today: 

  • Lufi XF
  • Lufi XS
  • WiiYii HUD P6

I’ve put these tools to the test in my garage, on my vehicles, and on the open road. I’ve faced the mysteries of engine trouble and watched in real-time as these tools unveiled the solutions. 

So, as we venture into the world of budget-friendly automotive diagnostics, rest assured that you’re getting insights from hands-on experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned mechanic, a weekend tinkerer, or someone who simply wants to be more in tune with their car, join me on this ride as we explore the OBD2 gauge display tools that have become trusted allies in my automotive adventures.

Digital monitoring system a compromise with interior aesthetics & functionality?

A big NO! The integration of digital monitoring systems enhances the driver’s experience without compromising on aesthetics.  In my opinion, Digital gauge displays are more compact than analog gauges & hence offer better visibility to the driver.

Despite proving my point, some may disagree with me on the aesthetics but in terms of functionality, a Digital gauge display does a home run!!  They also offer customization options that allow drivers to tailor the information they want to view.

Digital Gauge Display vs. Analog Gauge Display: Finding the Right Fit

In the world of car displays, the digital vs. analog debate has raged on. We get it; it’s like choosing between a classic vinyl record and the latest streaming service for your music.

Digital Gauge Analog Gauge
Precision and Accuracy?  Intuitive understanding?
Customization options? Durability and less tech fuss?
Real-time data at your fingertips? Minimal distraction on the road?
Crystal-clear readability day or night? Minimal distraction on the road?

But why choose sides? Many modern cars now blend both worlds, offering the best of both digital and analogue. It’s like enjoying your favorite old-school vinyl with a streaming library at your disposal.

In the end, it’s about what suits your driving style and preferences. So, let’s put this debate to rest and embrace the best of both dashboard worlds.

Now without further ado, let’s jump in!

Top 5 OBD2 Gauge Display Tools 

1. Lufi Xf

For transparency, please note that some of the links on this website are Amazon Associate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. The use of such links comes at no additional cost to you.

I recently purchased the Lufi XF OBD2 gauge display for my car and have been really impressed with its performance. 

The device is compact and easy to install, plugging directly into the OBD2 port in my car. It displays a wide range of information about my car’s performance, including speed, RPM, fuel consumption, and engine temperature.

One of the things I like best about the Lufi XF is its customizable display. I can choose which information I want to see on the screen, and I can even change the color and layout of the display to suit my preferences. 

The device also has a built-in alarm system that alerts me when certain parameters, like engine temperature or fuel level, fall outside of normal ranges.

I can’t count the number of times the RPM alarm has gently reminded me, “Hey, slow down there!” It keeps my engine in its sweet spot, preventing me from redlining or chugging along. My engine has never felt better.

The device is also capable of performing speed test. (0-100, 0-60)


  • Full OBD-II read & clear functionality
  • Display vehicle info (highly dependent on your vehicle’s model & make)
  • Great customization options
  • Does not come with an inclinometer
  • Does not come with tunes
  • Comes with a dashboard mount
  • Ready to plug and use.


  • A reputed brand, which means better build quality & customer support.
  • Great Compatibility with American car brands. (2008 and older)
  • Highly customizable.
  • Accurate readings
  • Includes a built-in OBD2 scanner.


  • Costs a bit expensive.
  • Looks a bit ugly.
  • Does not support Oil pressure/temperature.


I tried but could not find any customer’s review complaining about compatibility issues.

It is best advised to contact their customer support through email or ring them a call. 

Data Visualization

As mentioned earlier, Lufi XF offers great customization & multiple interface options to select from.

You can also customize the color theme of the speed cluster.

Real-Time Monitoring

Lufi XF is a high-accuracy tool, that offers multiple real-time data at the fingertips of the driver.

For me, the most useful data types were;

  • Water Coolant Temp
  • Turbo level
  • Fuel avg (interchangeable from Km/L to Miles/Gallon and vice versa)
  • Avg Speed
  • RPM
  • Trip mileage
  • Battery voltage


Lufi XF, just like any other ODB2 gauge display, can only be connected to your vehicle through the OBD2 port. 

To not have its cable hanging all over your dashboard, it is advised to first mount this device to a desired place & then unscrew the bottom side panels of the dashboard inside which you can hide the cables.

Also using Zip ties will also help to tidy up the wires so it does not hang loose.

Additional Features

A built-in OBD2 scanner & code-clearing functionality make the Lufi XF a top choice amongst car enthusiasts.


  • US-branded cars using the J1850 protocol before 2006 are not compatible
  • Engine and gearbox oil pressure, oil temperature, only a few cars have displays, if this is the key reason for your purchase, please choose another single-function meter (don’t buy LUFI-XF)

2. Lufi XS

For transparency, please note that some of the links on this website are Amazon Associate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. The use of such links comes at no additional cost to you.

Lufi justifies the price of it by marketing it as a 3-in-1 product. 

  1. It can operate as an OBD-II scanner, to view & clear DTC codes nothing special, almost every other OBD-II display gauge provides this option
  2. It can display a few helpful info about the car like the coolant temperature, RPM etc., which is again, nothing special.
  3. The Lufi XS can also operate as an inclinometer, an inclinometer tells you whether your car is inclining sideways, or forward or backward. 

In my opinion, I never had a moment where I had to use the inclinometer, which mean, to me, it was pretty much useless. 

I mean, for someone who daily drives his car from home to work, who cares about checking up on the inclination of the vehicle?

Other than that, another important thing that I felt was good about Lufi XS is that it is more sleek & compact than its twin (Lufi XF).

Its shape & size make it look like a go-pro/dashcam for someone who is viewing from the front.


  • Full OBD-II read & clear functionality
  • Knockoff version of KONNWER KW206
  • Temperature/Voltage alarm if it exceeds unwanted level. (can be adjusted)
  • Mix opinions on compatibility. 
  • Fewer Customization options available.
  • Comes with a dashboard mount.
  • Ready to plug and use.


  • A reputed brand, which means better build quality & customer support.
  • Great Compatibility with American car brands. (2003 and older)
  • Highly customizable.
  • Accurate readings.
  • Includes a built-in OBD2 scanner.
  • Includes a built-in Inclinometer.


  • Costs a bit too much for a Gauge Display device.


Lufi XS or in fact any other digital gauge display works best on newer vehicles (generally newer than 2003-8) 

Once again, It is best advised to contact their customer support through email or ring them a call. 

Data Visualization

Just like Lufi XF, Lufi XS offers great customization & multiple interface options to select from.

Real-Time Monitoring

Lufi XS is also a high-accuracy tool, that offers multiple real-time data at the fingertips of the driver, with a few data in addition to with Lufi XF.

For me, the most useful data types were:

  • Inclinometer
  • G-Force
  • Water Coolant Temp
  • Turbo level
  • Fuel avg (interchangeable from Km/L to Miles/Gallon and vice versa)
  • Avg Speed
  • RPM
  • Trip mileage
  • Battery voltage


Can be connected wired to the OBD2 port.

Additional Features

Other than having the option of reading and clearing OBD2 codes, the Lufi XS also has an option of measuring the inclination of the car while driving, this helps to determine whether the hill/downhill is too steep/up-straight for the car.


For transparency, please note that some of the links on this website are Amazon Associate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. The use of such links comes at no additional cost to you.

This KONNWEI KW206 is the cheapest of all the tools that I will discuss in this review article. The best thing about this gauge display is that it offers better compatibility than the Lufi XS & XF.

KONNWEI KW206 is listed on Amazon at around USD59-60, with a decent positive review about it on their official listing.

Personally, there were two things that I wish I could get along with this tool:

  1. A better screen-to-body ratio. 

For me, the rounded edges of the KW206 seem to serve no purpose at all, it would be a lot better if KONNWEI could either remove the part where there is no display screen or either add a display screen which fits the entire front-facing part of this tool. 

  1. A Touch display instead of buttons. 

Having buttons on the top of the device makes it almost unusable while driving. Plus who uses button-operated devices anyways?

Other than that, for a 60 dollars tag, I don’t think there should be much room for complaints, but hey! 


  • Full OBD-II read & clear functionality
  • Better compatibility than Lufi
  • Does not comes with an inclinometer
  • Does not comes with tunes
  • Comes with a dashboard mount
  • Ready to plug and use.


  • Great Compatibility with American car brands. (2003 and older)
  • Accurate readings
  • Includes a built-in OBD2 scanner.


  • Chinese knock-off brand, which means low build quality
  • Poor customer support
  • Reportedly turns off on its own while car is running
  • Display screen is small compared to the size of the device itself.


KONNWEI KW206 has moderate compatibility with American & European car brands, I personally had a decent experience with this tool on my cars. To ensure compatibility with latest car models & variants, it is advised to update the KONNWEI KW206 straight up before plugging in the car. 

Follow the link below to learn how to update this device:

Data Visualization

Compared to the Lufi XF & XS, the KONNWEI KW206 does not offer enough customization options to improve the user’s experience. I believe the device was not budgeted in a way to give the customers a tailored experience.

Real-Time Monitoring

For me, the most useful data types were;

  • Water Coolant Temp
  • Fuel avg (interchangeable from Km/L to Miles/Gallon and vice versa)
  • Avg Speed
  • RPM
  • Trip mileage
  • Battery voltage


KONNWIE KW206 can only be connected to the OBD2 port of your vehicle with the cord that comes along with it in the box.

Additional Features

A built-in OBD2 scanner & code-clearing function.


For transparency, please note that some of the links on this website are Amazon Associate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. The use of such links comes at no additional cost to you.

The VJOYCAR V70 is no different than the KONNWEI KW206, it also offers decent compatibility with U.S-based vehicles.

I’ve used this device on my 2005 Nissan Patrol & my 2015 Ford Raptor to make sure, there is one thing that needs to be mentioned here, and that is that it might not fetch all the vehicle info you could with a bit expensive tool. 

For example, I could not view my engine’s temperature with it on my 2005 Nissan Patrol but I could view it on my 2015 ford raptor. It is not specifically mentioned on its manual/website what info it will support to display, I guess it may vary depending on the specific car make variant & model. 

However the older your vehicle is, the greater the chance that it will not support your car.

The price of VJOYCAR V70 is no different than the KONNWER KW206


  • Full OBD-II read & clear functionality
  • Knockoff version of KONNWER KW206
  • Temperature/Voltage alarm if it exceeds unwanted level. (can be adjusted)
  • Mix opinions on compatibility. 
  • Fewer Customization options are available.
  • Comes with a dashboard mount.
  • Ready to plug and use.


  • Great Compatibility with American car brands. (2003 and older)
  • Accurate readings
  • Includes a built-in OBD2 scanner.


  • Chinese knock-off brand, which means low build quality
  • Poor customer support
  • Reportedly turns off on its own while the car is running
  • Display screen is small compared to the size of the device itself


VJOYCAR V70 supports American vehicles newer than 2003, same goes for Asian, European & Russian/Chinese market.

Data Visualization

Just like the KONNWEI KW206, the VJOYCAR V70 does not offer enough customization.

Real-Time Monitoring

For me, the most useful data types were:

  • Water Coolant Temp
  • Fuel avg (interchangeable from Km/L to Miles/Gallon and vice versa)
  • Avg Speed
  • RPM
  • Trip mileage
  • Battery voltage


VJOYCAR V70 can only be connected to the OBD2 port of your vehicle with the cord that comes along with it in the box.

Additional Features

A built-in OBD2 scanner & code-clearing function.

5. Wiiyii HUD P6

For transparency, please note that some of the links on this website are Amazon Associate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. The use of such links comes at no additional cost to you.

The Wiiyii is a knock-off version of the Lufi XF, I’ve used this tool for approximately 2 weeks & I’ve gotta say, I’ve got no complaints, especially considering the fact that it costs only half the price of the original tool.

it’s worth noting that integrating brand names like Renault, Peugeot, Citroen, Fiat, DS, Lamborghini, Jeep, SIMCA, and Suzuki might present compatibility challenges due to mechanical disparities or brand-specific design philosophies.

It is worth noting that this tool often shuts down on its own after a while the car is left idle or is moving at a constant speed on cruise control.

The build quality of it is also quite unimpressive, It almost feels like it will break in half in case it falls on the ground. 


  • Highly affordable.
  • Great Compatibility with American car brands. (2003 and older)
  • Highly customizable.
  • Accurate readings.
  • Includes a built-in OBD2 scanner.


  • Looks a bit ugly.
  • Does not support Oil pressure/temperature.
  • Cheap build quality.
  • Awful customer support.


Wiiyii HUD does not offer great compatibility with older vehicles, It would not display water coolant temperature & also sometimes display incorrect RPM on my 2005 ford truck.

Wiiyii does not have their contact email or number you could contact, they also do not have an official website where you could download the updates.

Data Visualization

Data Visualization options are very similar to Lufi XF.

Real-Time Monitoring

For me, the most useful data types were:

  • Water Coolant Temp
  • Fuel avg (interchangeable from Km/L to Miles/Gallon and vice versa)
  • Avg Speed
  • RPM
  • Trip mileage
  • Battery voltage


Wiiyii HUD P6 can only be connected to the OBD2 port of your vehicle with the cord that comes along with it in the box.

Additional Features

A built-in OBD2 scanner & code-clearing function.


What is an OBD2 gauge display, and how does it work? 

An OBD2 gauge display is like your car’s personal health monitor. It plugs into your vehicle’s OBD2 (On-Board Diagnostics) port, typically located near the driver’s seat, and acts as a window into your car’s inner workings. It’s your digital co-pilot, showing real-time data like engine RPM, speed, coolant temperature, and more, all on a handy screen. It works by tapping into your car’s onboard computer system and decoding the data it generates.

Why should I use an OBD2 gauge display? 

Think of it as getting to know your car on a whole new level. Whether you’re a car enthusiast or just want to keep an eye on your vehicle’s performance, an OBD2 gauge display is your go-to tool. It helps you catch issues early, save on fuel, and even fine-tune your driving habits. Plus, who doesn’t love having a digital dashboard at their fingertips?

Are OBD2 gauge displays compatible with my vehicle? 

Most likely, yes! They’re designed to work with the majority of cars manufactured since the late 1990s, as they come equipped with the OBD2 port. However, it’s always a good idea to double-check your vehicle’s compatibility to be sure.

Do OBD2 gauge displays require any special installation? 

Nope, that’s the beauty of it. Installation is usually a breeze; you simply plug it into the OBD2 port, and you’re good to go. It’s like connecting a charger to your phone – easy peasy!

Can I customize the data displayed on the gauge? 

Absolutely! It’s like having your own personal dashboard. Most OBD2 gauge displays allow you to choose what data you want to see. You can track things like fuel efficiency, engine performance, and more. Tailor it to your preferences.

Can I use multiple OBD2 devices simultaneously? 

In most cases, yes, you can. If you’re a real data junkie or want different screens for different purposes, you can use multiple OBD2 devices simultaneously. Just keep in mind that some vehicles might have limitations on how many devices can be connected at once.

Can I use an OBD2 gauge display to improve my driving habits for better fuel efficiency? 

Absolutely, and this is where it gets really cool. An OBD2 gauge display is like having a driving coach. It shows you real-time data on fuel consumption, so you can adjust your driving habits to save on gas. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the environment.