Workers use large air compressors in the industry. But porter cable is the complete opposite. These air compressors are designing in such a way that we used them at home. Porter cable air compressors are relly compact design and safer than other power tools. You can use this models safely. How to use a porter cable air compressor if you are new?
It is possible to operate any air tools at home with a porter cable Air compressor.
How to use a porter cable air compressor
Before starting a porter cable, track down where the knob is placing the air compressor. If you notice a little better, you will see that the knob position is near the air outlet. It needs wholly secured before starting. To do this, turn the knob Anti-clockwise smoothly.
Connect the hose:
Now, combined the air hose with the compressor. There are usually two ways to attach a pipe.
- One is Quick Connect
- The other is a direct outlet port.
Which method you apply will depend on how your firm configured the porter cable compressor. Modern compressors rely on quick connect ports. You can add extra storage to the compressor if you want.
Input Power
Now turn on the air compressor switch. In your case, if the key points upwards, it means that the compressor is off. Select the correct circuit when connecting the power to your porter cable air compressor. Specific compressors are usually 15amp.
Power Source
Now turn on the air compressor switch. In your case, if the key points upwards, it means that the compressor is off. Select the correct circuit when connecting the power to your porter cable air compressor. Specific compressors are usually 15amp. Please make sure all the connection setup successfully.
Auto Mode
Now turn the power Key to auto level. It will automatically shut down when the air compressor reaches the maximum capacity. You don’t have to be hesitant about your valuable time.
Control Pressure
Attach the air device to the opposite side of the hose. Hold the knob of the compressor and rotate clockwise until the air tools inaugurate. Knob usually acts as a kind of regulator. This way, you can run your porter cable air compressor and use it for running air tools.
Drain Internal Air
Everything is okay. But What if you have to use it later, you have to blow out the internal air. So how to get the air out of the compressor tank? There is a drain valve near the base of the compressor tank. To release the air pressure, turn the thumbscrew anti-clockwise.
Tips & Tricks
Your first responsibility is to follow the guidebook. Almost all types of compressors have an equivalent structure. However, your company may design the compressor differently. So read the owners manual given by the industry.
Decompress every time you use an air compressor. Take out all the air inside. Otherwise, your machine may crash. If there is any leakage in the air hose, please change it or see how to repair the leaky air hose To quickly connect to the pancake air compressor hose, you will need an air compressor kit , thread tape, and the necessary tools such as a adjustable wrench. See the details for attaching the quick connect fitting and how to connect the extra storage tank with the compressor.
Wear safety glass over your eyes, gloves on your fingers, and footwear with rubber soles on your feet to avoid accidents. There is a possibility of earthing while making an electrical connection to the porter cable compressor. It is better to wear rubber slippers or shoes on the feet. You know that compressors are a severe risk, so it is your responsibility to wear safety equipment.

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